Monday, October 9, 2017

Sunday ministry.

I've been conducting Sunday field service past two weeks. And the territory I have is right around our home.
Yesterday was sunny and warm, one of the nicest days since we got back to Guatemala. So warm, that I got really got in the ministry. So made it a short day. The group had dissolved by that point anyway.

This is the view we had on the walk back home.


  1. How much do you guys weigh now? Lol! I'm so jealous! The food sounds very delicious and nourishing. I see Lydia's favorite clothes are still her birthday suit.

    1. Last notch on all of my belts! Food is often delicious when we eat out, not always nutritious. Home cooking tends to be simple and not too exciting.

  2. P.S. It's 6:30 a.m. and still dark outside. Someone said daylight savings time starts in November this year. 6:59 sunrise, 6:17 sets. Should be close to the same for you and Wilkes?

    1. We are Mountain Time without any of the shifts, thank goodness. Ecuador is Central Time, so same as you for now.
